Monday, August 17, 2009

Edith Piaf

Born in 1915 in Paris, France, Edith Piaf, is one of the most famous and stunning singers this world has seen. Every time I hear her voice, my breath is taken away. She is truly magnificent and full of amour. From the streets of Paris, to the great L'Olympia, La Môme Piaf has captured the heart of man.

In her autobiography, 'The Wheel of Fortune, the famous Jean Cocteau wrote this about her:
"Have you ever heard the nightingale? She strains. She hesitates. She grates. She chokes. Her voice rises and falls again. And then, suddenly, she sings. You are captured."

"Like the nightingale, Edith Piaf explores herself and her audience; quickly, she finds her voice. In the voice is the whole of the woman; it unfolds itself like a wave of black velvet. This wave of warmth submerges us ... wraps itself around us. The illusion is complete. Edith Piaf, like the invisible nightingale on her branch, becomes invisible. We are aware only of her eyes, her pale hands, that waxen forehead which reflects the light, and the voice. The voice swells and climbs and, almost unnoticeably, takes the place of the singer. From this moment, the genius of Mme Edith Piaf is seen and acknowledged by all. She surpasses herself and she surpasses her songs. She surpasses the music and the words .. and us! The soul of the street filters into every room in the town. It is no longer Mme Edith Piaf who sings ... it is the rain that falls ... it is the wind that blows ... it is the moon as she spreads her mantle of light. The 'Shadowy Mouth' - this very phrase seems to have been invented for her oracular mouth."

She was an amazing person and my love for her, her singing and her way of life will never die. I hope you adore her as much as I do.

Video of Edith Piaf singing Hymne L'Amour:

Here is a video of Edith Piaf singing her famous song, La Vie En Rose:

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